McIntosh Woodworking

I guess from a young age I was destined to be some kind of engineer. I’ve always liked to build things. I’ve also always liked to take things apart to see how it works and if I can fix it or make it better.

Neither my step father or grandfather were woodworkers, so I don’t know where I got it from. I first really started woodworking in high school. I had three years of woodshop and got a basic understanding of a lot of different tools. I built a number of projects, but nothing too exciting. After college when I had space I knew I wanted to start woodworking again.

Most of my projects are either designed by me, modified plans, or loosely based on a picture or something I’ve seen. Rarely do I build projects strictly off of plans. I find it more fun to build something unique.

I don’t have a professional shop, and I don’t do this for a living, I’m actually a software engineer. My ‘shop’ is in my garage. I have a decent collection of tools, but could always use more. ??

If you see something you like, but want something just a little different, let me know. I can work with you about a custom order. Please be warned though, I work full time, do website consulting, and I’m a Boy Scout leader, so depending on the time of year it may take a while.

Thanks for stopping by,


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